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The light touch given by the thin and light natural threads of the HöbePergh Face Brush acts in depth, renews the skin layer, stimulates circulation and promotes the renewal of cellular activity, bringing a regenerating and toning effect to the skin.
Brushing with the face brush acts as a light exfoliant, preparing the skin to absorb the active ingredients contained in the products used later.

Additional information

Skin type

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Assets and actions
•Relaxes•Purifies and tones the skin•Renews the skin layer•Stimulates blood circulation•Helps the lymphatic system to remove slags•Frees tissues from excess interstitial fluid•Promotes the improvement of microcirculation by bringing better oxygenation and nourishment to the connective tissueContraindications: it is not appropriate in the presence of skin lesions, major varicose veins, rashes and severe dermatitis.
Need and method of use
Massage the face.
How to use
Praticare uno sfioramento delicatosu viso, collo e décolleté dopo aver deterso accuratamente la pelle. Spazzolaresfiorando delicatamente la pelle del viso con un ritmo scadenzato e lento, euna pressione leggera. Con movimenti lenti ma continui, le setole non devonopungere, ma il pennello deve essere impugnato in modo da accarezzare la pelle.
Suitable for skins:
Anti - Age
Dry Skin
Mixed Skin
Oily Skin
Sensitive Skin
Trova la tua routine

Ogni pelle ha le sue esigenze, il nostro obiettivo è creare
dei prodotti per far risplendere ogni tipologia
Che tipo di pelle hai?
Abbiamo studiato la tua routine perfetta per te.
